Memorial Garden
St. Bede’s has dedicated a Memorial Garden on the northern side of the church for the interment of ashes after cremation. The Garden and the Memorial Wall were built from a generous bequest to the parish from the estate of the late E.M. Schroder.
Diary Dates 2025
February 17th
6.00 pm
ALPHA Course begins
March 4th
5.30 pm
Service followed by Shrove Tuesday Pancakes
March 5th
10.00 am
Ash Wednesday Service
(Check the What’s On page for more details)
The character of the garden is intended to be one of naturalness, simplicity and peace. In burying the ashes it is intended that they become part of the earth from which we come, completing our cycle of life. There will, therefore, be no distinguishing marks in the garden. Small plaques may be attached to the bricks on the Memorial Wall, and a further record will be made in the parish burial records.
Application Process
- Applications for use of the Memorial Garden for the interment of cremated remains will be accepted from parishioners on the Parish Roll of St. Bede’s Church, Semaphore or St. Paul’s Church Port Adelaide, or people with a past connection with either church e.g. former parishioner, marriage, confirmation, which require the approval of the Rector and Wardens.
- All ashes will be interred, not scattered. If a container is used it must be biodegradable. No subsequent exhumation is possible.
- Names of the deceased will be entered into a permanent Register. Each entry will show: Full Name, dates of birth and death.
- While the position of the Ashes in the Garden will not be identified, applicants can arrange to have a bronze plaque affixed to the memorial wall at the brick course level.
- Generally, the positioning of plaques will be at the discretion of the Wardens. However, following a first interment and where application has been made and secured in advance, adjoining spaces can be reserved for partners of deceased, if specifically requested.
- Plaques can only be erected on the Wall for those whose ashes have been interred in the Garden.
- The standard bronze plaque measures 11cm x 7cm x 2mm thick. These dimensions allow for two plaques to be placed side by side on each brick. The plaque can have 4 lines of writing( 5 if names are very long) and each can have up to 13 letters or spaces. It is suggested that each plaque contain at least the following information: Christian names, surname, dates of birth and death.
- So that the Garden and its surround can be maintained in the future, a contribution of $300 is requested. The cost of the plaque for parishioners is included in this fee. People from outside the parish who are given permission to inter ashes in the Memorial Garden, the fee is $400. The cost of the plaque is included in this fee. In case of hardship, any or all of these contributions may be waived.
- It is important to advise your family of your wishes to be interred in the Memorial Garden and a plaque on the Memorial Wall.
- As the garden is unmarked, should you wish to mark a special anniversary with flowers, you may wish to consider supplying flowers for the Memorial Urn in the church. Small sprays of flowers may be placed next to the Memorial Wall, no water containers may be used. All flowers will be removed weekly.
- Reverent and appropriate burial is very much part of Christian Ministry, and so it would be usual to have a short service for the interment of ashes. This could take place at any arranged, mutually convenient time. The service on page 597 of Australian Prayer Book would be very suitable, and any arrangements should be discussed with the clergy.
- If you have any further questions, please contact the Parish Office. phone – 8449 5064
download the memorial garden application form